One Year On After Ditching Shampoo & Going Natural

One Year On After Ditching Shampoo & Going Natural

Following on from last weeks foray into honey based face masks and cleansers I thought it was time to chat more about hair. Last year I posted about how I  ditched shampoo and began pursuing natural hair care alternatives and now its time for an  update. It...

DIY Beauty: Organic & Natural Facial Moisturiser

Eating natural food in one big priority for me. As regular readers will know ( and hello to all you new readers out there) that I seek to eat as naturally as possible. Lots of vegetables, very little processed foods and lots of organic eggs, nuts, seeds and lentils. I...
DIY Beauty: Natural Organic Deodorant

DIY Beauty: Natural Organic Deodorant

Today I am going to look at the topic of body odour, sweat and the natural solution. We all sweat, it is the bodies way of cooling the blood down. We have roughly 2 million sweat glands – most of which are in our armpits and we can lose roughly 1/2 a litre of...