8 Reasons I Had (Terrible) IBS

8 Reasons I Had (Terrible) IBS

Back in the day I was bloated, stuck on the loo, depressed, and struggling with terrible digestion. I had had all the investigations, biopsy’s and tests and in the end, I was told I had IBS, to get less stressed and learn to live with it. Errr no thanks. My life...
Four Ways To Fix Your Energy {Ep -151}

Four Ways To Fix Your Energy {Ep -151}

Hands up if you want more energy? I thought so 😉 So make sure you listen to the four ways (and some quick fixes) when it comes to increasing your energy.    Want to see BIG results in your energy, belly and body in 2021? Then make sure you get some...
Digestion 101: You Are What You EAT! {Ep 147}

Digestion 101: You Are What You EAT! {Ep 147}

  This week is all about digestion and how to make it better and what can go wrong with it. I explain 6 ways you can optimize it and why EVERYONE should focus on making their gut health a whole lot more kick-ass!   Committed to seeing some BIG results in...