by Kezia | Jul 29, 2016 | GAPS, Recipes, Snacks + Treats
You have my husband to thank for this recipe. In my youth and naivety, I had always poo-pooed the mint choc chip combo as the worst ice cream choice ever made. I mean really!? But now I have walked into the...
by Kezia | Mar 19, 2016 | GAPS, Nutrition, Recipes, Snacks + Treats
Today is all about celebrating. Celebrating eating fat (trust me on this!!) ……….Annnnnnd celebrating the opening of my Flourish eCourse & Community! Hoooray. To Flourish means to thrive, to grow well, to prosper to be brave....
by Kezia | Feb 23, 2016 | Dinners + Lunch, GAPS, Recipes
You know I am all about the cake and sweet treats. In fact I hopefully have another ebook coming out in April dedicated to sweet treat snacks that are all sugar-free and DIVINE! Things like sticky toffee muffins, after eight chocolate slices and...
by Kezia | Dec 22, 2015 | GAPS, Nutrition, Recipes, Snacks + Treats
There is nothing I love more than speedy sweet treat snacks that will actually do your body good, even more so at Christmas. Regular meals times tend to go out the window, we eat at any sign of hunger and brie and crackers and cake suddenly becomes an...
by Kezia | Oct 31, 2015 | Dinners + Lunch, GAPS, Nutrition, Recipes
I am SUCH a big fan of soups. In fact I am a big fan of all things ‘S’. Soups, smoothies and salads (that are proper and full of good things like walnut goats cheese or steak!). And as it is Halloween and PUMPKIN galore here is a...
by Kezia | Oct 17, 2015 | GAPS, Nutrition, Recipes, Snacks + Treats
I love to have a little something with my afternoon cups of tea. Not something massive but something tasty and that will keep me going until dinner or at least until pre-dinner:) This has been especially true this week as I have been...